Please read this entire document. It contains information which will aid your understanding of ShrinkWrap as well as special topics that you might want to know. You should not run the software until you have read the document called “License Agreement”. By running the software you signify that you agree to the terms of the License Agreement.
What’s new with ShrinkWrap 3.0 from Aladdin?
• Read/Write/Mount support for Apple’s NDIF (New Disk Image Format) compressed image files
• New StuffIt NDIF compression saves about 30% more space and is more than twice as fast as DiskCopy 6.1
• ShrinkWrap 3.0 image files and ShrinkWrap self-mounting image files now support 40-bit dynamic encryption
• When mounted as RAM disks, image files now stay compressed and encrypted in RAM
• New self-mounting image files mount with a double-click and support mounting as unlocked volumes
• Added support for Toast CD-ROM Pro and CPS FastCopy compressed disk image files
• Temporary files are no longer created on your hard drive to mount DART, Floppier and FastCopy image files
• Disk I/O is now fully asynchronous, so you can continue to be productive while ShrinkWrap works in the background
• New option in Preferences scans disk images as they’re mounted and auto-launches software installers
• Caches to the hard drive to minimize ejects during disk-to-disk duplication of large removable drives
• Now supports CRC-32 checksums, in addition to DiskCopy 4.2 checksums
• The StuffIt Engine can now automatically BinHex any image files you create
Why use ShrinkWrap?
1. To create disk image files quickly and efficiently:
To create disk image files using ShrinkWrap, just drag and drop your disk icons onto the ShrinkWrap icon. In Batch Floppy Mode, you can continue to feed in floppy disks until your entire archive has been converted into image files without ever needing to touch the mouse or keyboard.
To convert your image files back to disk, just select the image files, hold down the Command key and drag the icons onto the ShrinkWrap icon. You will be prompted to insert a disk as each image is written back to floppy disk. In Batch Floppy Mode, multiple copies of each image file may be made. Just select Stop when you’ve made enough copies of each image.
2. To provide a convenient and reliable means of mounting disk image files on the desktop:
Like Apple's MountImage control panel, ShrinkWrap will mount image files on the desktop that to the system will appear identical to the original floppy disks. However, since ShrinkWrap is an application, it will never cause INIT conflicts and will never require any memory until it's actually run. To mount image files, simply drag and drop the image file icons onto the ShrinkWrap icon. Image files can be mounted as unlocked disks by holding down the Shift key during launch and even loaded into free memory to get the performance of a RAM disk just by setting an option in preferences.
3. To seamlessly handle disk image files in their archived form:
For years ShrinkWrap has automatically compressed and decompressed archived disk image files on the fly with Aladdin's StuffIt Engine. However, in version 3.0 you can save image files directly as compressed and/or encrypted image files. Later you can mount these images without needing to wait for them to be first processed by the StuffIt Engine. Decompression and decryption occurs at the driver level behind the scenes, achieving compression ratios as good as the StuffIt Engine's and performance that is much faster than mounting old uncompressed DiskCopy files. You can even save ShrinkWrap images as self-mounting applications, which mount themselves with a simple double-click.
4. To provide a freely distributable alternative to Apple's DiskCopy, DART, Disk Image Mounter and MountImage:
DART, Disk Image Mounter and MountImage cannot yet legally be licensed for redistribution. Apple Computer, Inc. may at some time decide to license these utilities, but until that time, you may not legally redistribute it once you receive a copy from an authorized Apple source. DiskCopy is available for licensing, but at an often prohibitive cost of $5000 per year.
Install ShrinkWrap by simply double-clicking the file named “ShrinkWrap 3.0 Installer”. A 15-day trial version of ShrinkWrap will be copied to your hard drive. When you choose to register ShrinkWrap, you can enter your registration number to disable the time limit.
In order to automatically compress and decompress archived disk images on the fly, you’ll need a copy of the StuffIt Engine. Ideally, you will already have the StuffIt Engine installed in your Extensions folder. If not, you should obtain either DropStuff or StuffIt Deluxe from our Web site at <>. Both of the these products contain the StuffIt Engine.
ShrinkWrap is a System 7-only application for Macintosh and Power Macintosh. It contains both 68K and PowerPC native code, is AppleEvent aware, 32-bit clean, AV, ’040 cache and virtual memory compatible. Although a Macintosh SE or better is required for full functionality, the Mac Plus can still use ShrinkWrap to mount, convert and verify disk image files. The Component Manager, available with QuickTime 1.5 or System 7.1 or later, is required to handle compressed or encrypted disk images.
Supported Image File Formats:
Mount Volume
Locked Unlocked Create Write Convert Verify Image File Format
• • • • • • ShrinkWrap
• • • • • • ShrinkWrap Self-Mounting
• • • • ImageMaster
• • • • • • Apple DiskCopy 4.2
• • • Apple DiskCopy 5.0d1 - 6.0
• • • • Apple DiskCopy 6.0.1
• • • • • • Apple DiskCopy 6.1
• • • • • • Apple Disk Image Mounter
• • • Apple DART 1.5.1 - 1.5.3
• • • DiskMaker 1.3
• • • • • • PC Exchange Drive Containers
• • • • • • DropDisk 1.0b5
• • • • • • DiskDup+
• • • Norton Floppier
• • • CPS FastCopy (uncompressed)
• • • • Toast CD-ROM Pro
• • • • • • Microsoft Disk Image Utility (.IMG)
• • • • • • Winimage (.IMA)
Why do we need to deal with disk images?
Although there is some similarity between disks duplicated from disk images and disks copied by dragging icons, the results are not identical. Disks created from image files are exact duplicates, including the exact icon placement, appearance of all windows, and the correct name of the disk. In addition, with disk images you have the added assurance that all the files have been duplicated correctly and completely. More importantly, Apple's Installer may not recognize disks copied by dragging icons, even if they appear identical in every way.
Some convenient uses for disk images:
1. Backing up your original floppy disks to removable media:
A Magneto-Optical, Iomega, Bernoulli, SyQuest or CD-R drive can serve as an excellent means to back up your software. When disk image files are stored in compressed form, they are space efficient but still easily accessible with ShrinkWrap. Just drag the compressed image onto the ShrinkWrap icon and the file will be immediately mounted on the desktop.
2. Installing Apple's System Updates and System Software Extensions:
Since most of Apple's System Software, System Updates and System Extensions (CD-ROM Setup, Network System Installer, printer drivers, etc.) are distributed online in image file format, it's convenient to be able to mount the images and run the Installer without ever having to copy the images back to floppy disk.
3. Distributing multiple disk images on floppies:
Using compressed ShrinkWrap disk image files, you can achieve adequate compression to store three or more 800K disk images on a 1.44 MB HD floppy.
4. Mounting floppies on Macs without a SuperDrive:
For Macs not equipped with a SuperDrive, ShrinkWrap provides a cost-effective and convenient means of accessing data stored on HD floppy disks.
5. Creating “instant” RAM disks:
Placing a ShrinkWrap disk image file in your Startup Items folder will make it always available from startup, just like a RAM disk. However, when you’re done with the ShrinkWrap RAM disk and need to free up the memory, just drag the mounted image to the trash. No need to restart.
6. Distributing software collections and archives on CD-ROM:
Provide a convenient and economical means for your customers to obtain copies of their software on floppy media even if your product is now being distributed exclusively on CD-ROM. With ShrinkWrap's extensive AppleScript support, you can even offer users the ability to create floppies directly from your product's installer.
7. Verifying the integrity of development builds:
ShrinkWrap provides both DiskCopy 4.2 and CRC-32 checksums for use in confirming the data integrity of floppies or CD-ROM’s when it's absolutely vital that you ensure an exact copy was made.
You may use ShrinkWrap for up to 15 days and pay nothing. After 15 days, you must register your shareware by sending Aladdin Systems $30. Register your shareware by E-mail, fax, mail, or phone. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, checks, and money orders. U.S. funds only, please. Thanks to the installer created by InstallerMaker, ShrinkWrap now allows you to register and pay electronically. You will have this option at installation and when mounting images.
Registration entitles you to special, low prices on Aladdin’s commercial software products like StuffIt Deluxe, CyberFinder, and Aladdin Desktop Tools. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction knowing that you’re supporting one of the last bastions of trust, honesty, and good will in our society.
Thank you for supporting shareware!
Shareware is software distributed via local bulletin board systems (BBS), commercial online services, user groups, and between friends. You are allowed to use shareware for a trial period before you pay for it, but you must pay for it after that time.
Shareware exists because people (like you) continue to pay on this honor system. As a user of shareware, you benefit because you get to try the software to see if you like it before you pay. Some developers also give you added benefits when you pay for your shareware (like special deals on other products, and free technical support). We do.
Please share this software with every Mac user you know! But, PLEASE, give away the installers only, not the individual files. In other words, share the file named “ShrinkWrap 3.0 Installer” with your friends so that they get the complete software package.
Special Note to Developers, Product Managers and Network Administrators
The installer for ShrinkWrap was created using StuffIt InstallerMaker.
Please contact our Developer Licensing Group for a price quote on licensing ShrinkWrap for incorporation into your own product and also for our newest version of StuffIt InstallerMaker with ShrinkWrap. We can be reached at: